Carnet de bord de la résistance ukrainienne

juin 2022
ISBN : 9782380943276
352 pages


Voici l’unique carnet de bord d’une résistance acharnée, qui n’a cessé de surprendre la puissante armée russe, et le reste du monde.


Peu après l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie, Barack Obama tweetait : « Les Ukrainiens ont besoin de notre aide. Si vous cherchez comment faire la différence, voici des gens qui font un travail important. » Il faisait référence à l’équipe du journal en ligne The Kyiv Independent, qui avait décidé de continuer à exercer son métier sous les bombes : informer chaque jour, coûte que coûte.

À l’image de la plupart des Ukrainiens, ces jeunes journalistes se sont organisés pour raconter au plus près et au jour le jour une offensive visant à soumettre leur pays. Leur façon à eux de résister, quand la propagande cherche à imposer ses récits truqués. Pour eux, le grand reportage commence au coin de la rue.

C’est ce travail au long cours que présente ce livre, donnant vie à des dizaines de civils anonymes : leurs témoignages parfois poignants, parfois insolites, vaudront pour l’Histoire. Voici l’unique carnet de bord d’une résistance acharnée, qui n’a cessé de surprendre la puissante armée russe, et le reste du monde.

Maria Poblete et Frédéric Ploquin, journalistes et écrivains français, ont coordonné ce volume en lien avec la rédaction du Kyiv Independent.

La majeure partie des droits de ce livre est reversée au Kyiv Independent, rare organe de presse indépendant des oligarques de tous bords.


The Kyiv Independent

In this book, written on the spot, day by day, the journalists of the Kyiv Independent have decided to share their work on the war that is ravaging their country. Combining articles published during the conflict with personal accounts, they give us an unprecedented inside look at the reality of the Russian offensive and its consequences on the lives of Ukrainians. Using flashbacks to contextualise these dramatic events, they also tell what life was like for Ukrainians before the war broke out, and when and how Ukrainian national sentiment began to take shape. What does it mean to be a journalist in wartime? This is also the question they answer in this unique book, which is worldwide in scope.

How does a newsroom, made up mostly of thirty-year-olds, change overnight into a war zone? How do you do your job as a journalist when the war is happening at home? Reporting the facts as closely as possible is in itself a form of resistance, especially for this editorial staff, at least one of whose members has decided to abandon the pen and don the uniform. One was covering the business world in Ukraine, another was reporting on shows, a third was dealing with geopolitics when suddenly the Russian army crossed the border. Staying is the choice they all made. Staying and informing, despite the moves, the hours spent taking shelter, the thread to be maintained with their families. Chronicle of a resistance by its own actors.

Their names are Alexander, Olga, Jakub, Toma, Anna, Igor, Oleg, Natalia, Daryna, Artur, Daria, Asami, Thaisa, Dylan, Sergiy… Their lives will never be the same again. Nor will ours.

About the authors

Fifteen young journalists women and men – still in Ukraine. The Kyiv Independent is an English-language Ukrainian media outlet set up by journalists who were fired from the Kyiv Post for defending editorial independence. The Kyiv Independent has been described by Barack Obama as a ukrainian media ‘that helps to make a difference’.

Nouveau Monde éditions manages World rights

French publication : June 15th, 2022 – English manuscript available

Contact : Yannick Dehée, CEO –